Are you preparing for a paint project inside or outside your house? Great! The Tintrio paint experts have gathered everything you need, for some specific projects.
Expect to find inspiration, step-by-step how-to's, checklists, and of course the best products for your project!
Click one of the cards below to get started.

Interior projects
The living room
Anything you need to know about painting the walls and ceiling, treating a hardwood floor, and much more.
The bathroom
Anything you need to know to paint the bathroom: walls, tiles and even the radiator.
The kitchen
Anything you need to know for your kitchen painting project, from painting the cabinets to treating a wooden worktop.
A child's room
Anything you need to paint a baby or kids room, from the walls and ceiling to upcycling furniture.
The bedroom
Anything to help you get started with painting the bedroom: walls and ceiling, furniture or even the radiator.
The hallway
From the front door and window, up to the stairs. Everything you need to know to paint your hallway.
Exterior projects
Around the garden
From simply refreshing garden furniture to painting the garden shed. Here's everything you need to know!
The garage
Maybe not the first place you'd think of to paint, but there are a lot of paint jobs to do inside and outside of the garage.
House exterior
Everything you need to know for the outside of your house: the façade, windows, the front door, etc.

Can't find what you're looking for?
You might want to have a look at our how-to steps or find some inspiration on our blog or colours page.
If that still doesn't help, our paint experts are always ready and happy to help. Feel free to reach out to us.